City of BaysidePopulation forecast
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City of Bayside

Notes on base data

Base population estimates

The population figures used in the forecasts for 2021 are based on estimated resident population from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. These figures are published at the Statistical Area 1 (SA1) level, which are then aggregated to the chosen small area or local government area, splitting SA1s if necessary. These figures are subject to change or updating from time to time, most notably after Census release (usually one to two years after the Census is conducted).

Base household estimates

The household estimates used in the forecasts for 2021 were based on age and sex-specific population propensities by different household types. Estimated Resident Population by Statistical Area 1 was multiplied by household factors to give estimated ‘Resident Households’.

The multiplying factor varies depending on the household type (and the area), such as a factor of 1 for persons living in lone person households to 0.5 for an adult in couple families with dependent households. Children and other dependents, such as elderly parents, are not assumed to ‘form’ households.
